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Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN © 2019 CERN

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Horizon Europe to trial blind evaluation and right of reply

Mathilde Reumaux, Senior Policy Officer at Science Europe, responds to the European Commission’s plans to update its proposal evaluation processes for Horizon Europe. It is good that initiatives are being trialed ahead of their potential broader rollout, but transparency for applicants is key.


Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Horizon Europe First Strategic Plan 2021-2024

In its response to the European Commission, Science Europe outlines numerous topics that should be further addressed in order to create the best possible start for Horizon Europe. Such developments include striking the right balance between research and innovation, embedding the whole spectrum of equality aspects, better integration of Social Sciences and Humanities, and the creation of synergies between the various parts of the programme.


Funders call for research to be excluded from EU platform rules

Updating EU legislation on digital services and platforms is essential given the rapid development of online platforms and services. Science Europe explains to Research Professional that greater clarification on the Digital Services Act is needed to ensure it does not have unintended effects on research


Response to the European Commission's Inception Impact Assessment on Artificial Intelligence

In its response to the European Commission, Science Europe highlights that future EU legislation on AI needs to strike the right balance between safeguards for users and developers of AI systems, and a legal environment that fosters R&I.


Response to the European Commission's Inception Impact Assessment on the Digital Services Act

In its response to the European Commission, Science Europe highlights that the foreseen scope of the new legislation is not clearly defined and greater clarification should be introduced to ensure that the Digital Services Act does not have unintended effects on research.


SE-OECD Policy Paper on Optimising the Operation and Use of National Research Infrastructures

Science Europe and the OECD Global Science Forum teamed up to identify ways to optimise the operation and use of research infrastructures at national level.


European universities hope for share of €700 billion rescue pot

Science Europe is quoted in THE saying that research and innovation must play an important role in these national recovery and resilience plans. It also stresses that the criteria on which national plans are judged should also go beyond a strict definition of immediate growth and return on investment.


Look beyond publication records, urges report

A shift is under way to improve the effectiveness & efficiency of Research Assessment processes. 

Nature Careers looks into Science Europe's most recent report on looking beyond publication records and instead asses the societal impact and contributions to knowledge and policy when awarding grants and promotions.


Response to the European Commission Roadmap on European Data Spaces

In its response to the European Commission Roadmap for an upcoming legislative proposal on the governance of common European data spaces, Science Europe reinforces the need to consider sectoral policies to ensure coherence.


Reaction to the European Council's Proposal for the European Budget

The Research and Innovation (R&I) sector has been sacrificed in these budget negotiations, when it should have been the spearhead of an ambitious, future-oriented, knowledge-based plan for Europe. Science Europe now calls the European Parliament and the European Commission, as the protectors of European R&I, to continue taking a strong stand in favour of a larger budget for Horizon Europe


MEPs must now defend EU's research budget

Marc Schiltz, the President of Science Europe, is quoted in Science Business saying that the new Horizon budget is lower than anyone had expected it to be: “We are hugely disappointed that the budget is not in any way commensurate to the challenges ahead,” said Schiltz.


Position Statement and Recommendations on Research Assessment Processes

Science Europe calls on research funding and performing organisations to continuously evaluate their research assessment processes to ensure that they are effective, efficient, fair, and transparent.


Draft plans hint at green decade for R&D

Lidia Borrell-Damián, Science Europe Secretary General, quoted in Research Europe saying that a 20 per cent target would be “a good starting point”. 

She was commenting, as part of an article on proposals for the European Research Area to include spending targets and a ‘Cern for climate change’


Broad support for R&D boost as Council restarts budget battle

Science Europe quoted in RP saying that the €94.4bn proposal “fails to allow for scientific knowledge to contribute” to achieving the Commission’s ambitious agenda for digitisation and environmental sustainability.
The Commission’s proposal should also be tweaked to ensure the €13.9bn that will go to Horizon Europe from the recovery fund is shared more equally between the parts of the programme dedicated to applied or basic research, Science Europe said.
It is “essential that substantial funding for all research programmes, and especially the excellent science pillar, is provided for the entire duration” of the 2021-27 budgetary period, Science Europe added.


Gabriel joins MEPs in last-minute bid for strong Horizon Europe budget

Science Europe, quote in Science Business, saying that EU leaders should reconsider the European Commission’s budget proposal for Horizon Europe, as it could be “seriously damaging” for parts of the programme focused on basic research and research mobility.
According to the commission’s budget proposal released in May, most Horizon Europe programmes would lose 3.2 per cent of their budget. 
Science Europe says the plan should be reconsidered, so that the recovery money also reaches the coffers of the European Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and research infrastructures.

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