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Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN
Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN © 2019 CERN

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Humanities and Social Sciences in Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges: Implementation and Monitoring

This Opinion Paper has been produced by Science Europe Scientific Committees for the Humanities and the Social Sciences to outline the main prerequisites for the successful integration of Social Sciences and Humanities throughout Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenges and across the entire research ‘ecology’. Overall, these elements should ensure a coherent interplay between the high-level objectives of Horizon 2020, the programme design, its implementation and evaluation.


Humanities in the Societal Challenges – 12 Compelling Cases for Policymakers

This is the first brochure produced by the Science Europe Scientific Committee for the Humanities, with the objective to increase awareness of how the humanities are actually contributing to the Societal Challenges. The humanities have important resources to offer and it is essential that in the formulation of the Horizon 2020 programme texts there is scope to include these valuable lines of research. The projects highlighted in the brochure not only have made a concrete, societal impact but also break through the usual stereotypes of the humanities and therefore widened the view on our field.


The Benefits of Personal Data Processing for Medical Sciences in the Context of Protection of Patient Privacy and Safety

This paper expresses the concerns of the medical and health research communities about the lack of a specific consideration when regulating the privacy of individuals and protecting personal data in the context of medical and health research in the General Data Protection Regulation.


Position Statement on the Proposed European General Data Protection Regulation

The European Institutions are currently entering the crucial stage of the legislative process that will revise the EU Data Protection Directive and lead to the European General Data Protection Regulation (DPR). Scientific research produces high impact results, depending heavily on access to and use of datasets that include personal data. In order to continue to perform scientific research for the benefit of Europe and its citizens, researchers need an appropriate DPR that reconciles the safe processing of personal data for scientific research and the protection of individual rights to privacy


Principles for the Transition to Open Access to Research Publications

Science Europe Member Organisations are committed to ensuring that publicly-funded research and innovation in Europe has the maximum impact, leading to new discoveries, and providing solutions that deliver societal benefit. Research publications are one of the main results of the research process and the Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations that comprise Science Europe share the vision of increasing the impact and reducing the costs of research publications by moving to a system of Open Access.


Embedding Social Sciences and Humanities in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges

European social sciences and humanities research is world leading in many areas. SSH research perspectives are key to tackling grand societal challenges in the future and its role throughout H2020 needs to be substantial. Simply stating such an ambition will not, however, result in its achievement. Here we provide some practical recommendations for how SSH can be embedded into the societal challenges in a meaningful and constructive way.


Horizon 2020: Excellence Counts

Producing excellent science and research has historically been Europe’s key asset for sustainable growth and maintenance of a leading position in a highly competitive global economy. Horizon 2020, the European Framework for Research and Innovation from 2014 to 2020, complements national and cross-border efforts and should strengthen the impact of investments into science, research and innovation.


Horizon 2020 Budget: Time for Europe to Commit to a Knowledge-based Economy

As European leaders meet to decide on the budget of the EU for the next seven years, the 50 major Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations that constitute Science Europe would like to stress the importance of adequate funding for research and innovation at the European level. The Europe 2020 strategy is the primary EU-level plan to strengthen growth and competitiveness, by producing clear European added value through investment in education, research and innovation.