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Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN
Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN © 2019 CERN

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Right Balance between Fostering Innovation and Trust Essential also for the Research Sector

Science Europe Response to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment: Adapting Liability Rules to the Digital Age


Funder group complains about research gaps in EU data plan

Research covers Science Europe's response to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment for a Data Act. The research sector has vast experience in data generation, storage, curation & (re-)use. Taking into account its expertise & knowledge can contribute to making the European single market for data useful for the society & economy at large.


Which Role for Research in the Future Data Act?

Science Europe Response to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment for a Data Act.


In Memoriam: Jaroslav Koča

With great sorrow, Science Europe learned of the passing of Professor Jaroslav Koča, President of the Czech Science Foundation, on 2 July 2021. Science Europe extends its deepest condolences to Professor Koča's family, friends, and colleagues at the Czech Science Foundation.


Outcomes of the GRC 2021 Annual Meeting

The Global Research Council (GRC) 2021 Annual Meeting, hosted by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa, took place remotely between 24 and 28 May 2021. It was preceded by the regional events and meetings of the various GRC groups.


Digital Services Act – Argumentation for an Exemption for Not-for-profit Scientific and Educational Repositories

Science Europe joins forces with other stakeholder organisations to argue for an exemption for not-for-profit scientific and educational repositories in the Digital Services Act (DSA). Please note this is for internal use only as this document was sent to a selected number of Parliament and Council representatives to advocate for the exemption.


Science Europe Strategy Plan 2021-2026

The Science Europe Strategy Plan comes at a crucial time for European Research an Innovation (R&I) and includes an updated vision, mission, values, and set of strategic priorities for the association. It supports its Member Organisation in their mission to create world-class scientific knowledge, delivering more benefit for our societies.


Science Europe strategy focuses on changing research culture

Six-year plan seeks to “inspire a reappraisal of institutional approaches and values” in European research

Science Europe, a member association for major research funders and performers, has laid out a strategy for 2021-26 that it says puts a fresh focus on changing research culture.


Q&A: Aligning Research Data Management Across Europe

On 27 January 2021, Science Europe presented the second, extended version of its Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management during a webinar with more than 260 participants.
As it was unfortunately not possible to address all questions participants asked during the launch event, this document presents the answers to the questions asked to both Science Europe and the webinar speakers.

02>02 Jun. 2021

Webinar Jointly towards Sustainable Research Data

The interoperability and sustainability of research data are an indispensable element of the shift towards an Open Science system. At this event, Science Europe presented strategic guidance for research performers, funders, and data infrastructures to help ensure long-term preservation and accessibility of research data.


Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data

This Practical Guide provides guidance to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of research data. Three complementary maturity matrices provide funders, performers, and data infrastructures with a way to create a common understanding of the approaches needed.

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