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Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN
Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN © 2019 CERN

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Report of the 2022 High Level Workshop on ERA: Research Ethics and Integrity in the Context of Public Engagement

The 2022 High Level Workshop on the ERA dealt with the topic of research ethics and integrity when engaging with various public audiences.


Science|Business Conference on Talent Retention

Science|Business and Science Europe co-organised a conference on ‘Talent retention: How can Europe tackle the challenges of brain drain and capacity building in EU13 countries?’. This event closed a series of workshops organised by Science Europe on spreading excellence and widening participation in European R&I programmes.


Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) launched, Steering Board elected

The Constitutive Assembly of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) took place on 1 December 2022. The Assembly, which brought together the organisations that signed the Agreement for Reforming Research Assessment by 17 November and have confirmed membership in the coalition, officially launched CoARA and decided on the terms of its governance and operations. 


Briefing Paper on EOSC: Federating Research Infrastructures in Europe for Fair Access to Data

One of the most prominent initiatives in the digital and open transition of research is EOSC. This federation of existing research data infrastructures in Europe aims to create a web of FAIR data and related services for research


The future is broad

Tackling climate change means ending prejudice against interdisciplinarity, say Guillermo Cisneros Pérez and Louise Drogoul. Sustainability, particularly related to climate change and its impacts, is the single greatest challenge facing our societies. Changing weather patterns are causing heatwaves, storms and droughts that are bringing huge suffering across the world.

16>17 Nov. 2022

Joint Science Europe–NSFC Policy Workshop

Science Europe and the National Natural Science Foundation of China share a goal to promote science as a key enabler for sustainable development. They organised a joint policy workshop to strategically discuss how to address global challenges during a paradigm shift in science.

10>10 Nov. 2022

Talent Retention: How can Europe tackle the challenges of Brain Drain and Capacity Building in EU-13 countries?

Several initiatives attempt to bridge the R&I gap between Eastern and Western Europe, including the European Commission's €3.3bn "Widening" plan, and the relaunched ERA. Implementation remains difficult, however. Science Europe sponsored and co-organised the first regional event of the new Science|Business Widening Initiative to address this issue.


Science Europe Recommendations to Reduce Research and Innovation Disparities and Foster Brain Circulation

Substantial discrepancies exist between European R&I capacities, and these are at risk of increasing. Leveraging the potential of Europe's existing talent, developing new capacities, and optimising and spreading R&I benefits are more important than ever. This Science Europe report makes a number of recommendations to support this.


Research and university communities demand climate action

Ahead of COP27 (the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference), leading European research and university organisations have joined forces to renew the call for collective, common global efforts for climate action, launched last year.

They are proposing a systemic approach where universities, national research performing organisations and research funding organisations work together, involving policy-makers, the business sector and non-governmental organisations, in Europe and globally.


Interdisciplinary Research for the Green and Digital Transition

Science Europe surveyed its Member Organisations on existing practices and policies for interdisciplinary research for the Green & Digital Transition. This report presents the results and some recommendations to reinforce, develop, and improve them.


Open Science As Part of a Well-Functioning Research System

Science Europe and its members support Open Science as part of a well-functioning research system. This paper sets the direction for an open and seamless collaboration between research actors and involvement of societal parties where relevant.


Funder group seeks to align policies for open science

Science Europe says all researchers and societies should benefit from opening up research. Science Europe, the association of major research funders and performers, has said it intends to work to better align European policies to promote open science and facilitate research across disciplinary and geographical divides.

18>19 Oct. 2022

Science Europe Open Science Conference 2022

Science Europe organised a conference on Open Science. Institutional leaders, researchers at all stages of their careers, and experts from the field were invited to discuss whether Open Science is ready to become the norm in research, and how to ensure an equitable transition.

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