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New Science Europe Working Group on Open Science
The Science Europe General Assembly adopted the creation of a new working group on Open Science (WG OS) to develop a comprehensive approach towards the topic. WG OS will provide a platform to bring together the Open Science aspects embedded in all activities of Science Europe. It will also broaden the scope of our work in the area, to fulfill the objectives described in the new Science Europe Strategy and Multi-annual Action Plan.
Expanding the reach of excellent scientific research through opening access to scientific activities, outputs, and tools has always been a priority for Science Europe. While acknowledging the breadth of Open Science issues, Science Europe has prioritised in the recent years Open Access to research publications and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) research data. Science Europe has been leading policy developments in this area, building on the input of the Science Europe Office, Governing Board, and the working groups on Open Access to Publications (WG OA), chaired by Georg Botz (MPG) and Data Sharing and Supporting Infrastructures (WG DSSI), chaired by Stefan Winkler-Nees (DFG).
The WG OA, running since the creation of Science Europe, has influenced OA policy development by issuing principles for Open Access in 2013 (revised in 2015), reflecting over the future of scholarly communications (OA business models, venues, policies, etc.) and by providing recommendations over the years. Several Science Europe Memeber Organisationss in the WG OA also pioneered the creation of what is today cOAlition S by issuing the Plan S principles. For its part, the WG DSSI and its predecessors have issued breakthrough guidelines for the management and sustainability of research data. The guidelines on Research Data Management (RDM) are adopted by many Science Europe Member Organisationss and others, and have been recommended as good practice in the Horizon 2020 Model Grant Agreement.
Science Europe has also always been actively engaged in Open Science at EU level. It was a member of the EC Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) throughout both of its mandates (2016-2018, 2018-2020) and is engaged in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Finally, Open Science will remain an important component of the European Research Area (ERA), and of Horizon Europe, both closely followed by Science Europe.
The new WG OS will enable Science Europe to address Open Science in a more holistic and coordinated way. The working groups on OA and DSSI will be discontinued but more specific topics related to Open Access to research publications and research data will continue being addressed in specific Task Forces within the new WG OS.
Science Europe would like to warmly thank all participants in the WG OA and the WG DSSI, and especially their respective dedicated Chairs, Georg Botz, Chair of the WG OA since its creation in 2011, and Stefan Winkler-Nees, Chair of the WG DSSI since 2019.