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Research Data Management High on the Science Europe Agenda in January 2021
2021 will see a busy start for Science Europe’s priority area ‘Research Data’ with two online events organised in the first few weeks of the year. Both events are milestone of Science Europe’s work plan and with these activities Science Europe reinforces its commitment to Open Science, an important area for research and innovation.
Workshop on ‘Achieving Sustainable Research Data’
Online workshop, 14 January 2021 (9.00-12.30 CET)
The Science Europe Working Group on Data Sharing and Supporting Infrastructures (WG DSSI) is currently developing a tool to support SE MOs and other research stakeholders to promote the sustainability of research data. This tool, which takes the form of complementary ‘maturity matrices’ has been designed for use by RFOs, RPOs, and research data infrastructures (RDIs). It will present a general framework allowing organisations to assess their status quo on RDM plans and make strategic decisions to further promote the sustainability of their research data. The tool will also foster comparison and alignment with other stakeholders with similar tasks and objectives.
WG DSSI organises a validation workshop on 14 January 2021 (9.00-12.30 CET) to present the rationale of the approach and collect feedback from workshop participants. This feedback will be used to refine the matrices whose publication is foreseen for spring 2021.
Launch Event for the 2nd Edition of the Science Europe Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management
Webinar, 27 January 2021 (14.00-16.30 CET)
Science Europe will launch a second, extended edition of its Practical Guide on the International Alignment of Research Data Management (RDM). The new edition builds upon the success of the 2018 edition that has been promoted by the European Commission as a good practice in the field. It is updated to include a new chapter providing guidance on the evaluation of data management plans, created in collaboration with SE MOs.
An invitation to the webinar with more information on the programme and the registration details will be sent early in the new year.