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Science Europe & CoARA co-organised a Side Event at the Global Research Council Annual Meeting
On Tuesday 30 May, Science Europe & CoARA jointly organised a side event at the Global Research Council Annual Meeting in The Hague, the Netherlands. The event, entitled ‘Making Research Assessment Reform a Global Endeavour’, aimed to provoke a discussion on research assessment reform across all five Global Research Council regions.
The vision of CoARA is that the assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research. The Coalition aims to be global in scope. However, at present, the membership of CoARA is predominantly European. The objective of the side event was to discuss and exchange on global perspectives towards CoARA, focussing on national and regional challenges and barriers that could hinder the Coalition from reaching its aim of being a global initiative, as well as the opportunities that may exist to expand the initiative into under-represented regions.
Introduced by Science Europe President, Marc Schiltz, keynote addresses were provided by Signe Ratso (European Commission DG-RTD, Deputy Director General) and Karen Stroobants (Vice-Chair of the CoARA Steering Board). A panel discussion moderated by James Morris (Science Europe) explored five institutional case studies from across the GRC regions, representing Canada, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, each providing an update on the status of research assessment in their countries and their perspectives towards reform generally, and CoARA more specifically. The Side Event concluded with in-depth table discussion amongst participants on the barriers and opportunities for CoARA as it attempts to expand its membership globally.
A report of the event will be developed and shared with both Science Europe members and CoARA in the coming weeks.