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Research Data Management

Research data management refers to the handling of research data (collection, organisation, storage, and documentation) during and after a research activity. Good data management helps ensure that researchers share their data in a FAIR way (findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-useable). Research organisations increasingly require their researchers to develop a data management plan to ensure that all aspects are considered from the start of an activity on.

What is the challenge for Research Data Management?

Research funders, research organisations, reviewers, and individual researchers all have different needs from research data management. Varying organisational requirements can be confusing for researchers who work with different organisations, who change their home institution, or who work together with researchers from other organisations where different rules apply. International alignment of data management policies and practices supports researchers in their efforts and makes data management a useful part of the research process.

Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management

Science Europe’s Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management offers targeted guidance for organisations, disciplines, and individual researchers. Originally released in 2019 and following its successful uptake by many organisations, it was updated in January 2021 to include guidance to support the evaluation of data management plans (DMPs).

The guide presents core requirements for DMPs and an evaluation rubric, as well as criteria for the selection of trustworthy repositories. This provides research organisations and communities with a common basis to develop data management practices and policies from. Researchers will also find guidance on how to comply with organisational requirements.

Adaptable templates for organisational or disciplinary use

The different elements of the guide should be considered minimum requirement that can be amended to accommodate institutional or disciplinary policies and practices. Organisations and disciplines can use the following templates (in .docx and .odt formats) to adapt the basic framework to their needs:

RDM Guidance for Organisations

  • Core Requirements for Data Management Plans (DOCX | ODT)
  • Criteria for the Selection of Trustworthy Repositories (DOCX | ODT)

RDM Guidance for Researchers

  • Template for Data Management Plans (DOCX | ODT)
  • Guiding the Selection of a Trustworthy Repository (DOCX | ODT)

RDM Guidance for Reviewers

  • Template for a Data Management Plan Evaluation Rubric (DOCX | ODT)

Additional external tools

Several online tools have been created to support researchers creating their own DMPs or checking the level of FAIRness of their DMPs. A number of these have integrated a template based on the Science Europe guidance as part of their service offer:


Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management - Extended Edition

Developed by experts from Science Europe Member Organisations, this guide aims to align research data management (RDM) requirements across research organisations. Originally released in 2019, it was updated in January 2021 to include guidance to support the evaluation of data management plans (DMPs).


Recommendations from the Practical Guide are being taken up all around the world. The guide has also been translated by several organisations to support their researchers in their national language. The following versions are currently available:


FAIRsFAIR has developed the FAIRAware tool to help researchers make their data more FAIR. They have subsequently integrated additional guidance from the tool into the existing Science Europe DMP guidance:

Other publications on Research Data Management


Implementing Research Data Management Policies Across Europe: Experiences from Science Europe Member Organisations

Does your organisation want to develop requirements for data management plans (DMPs) or update existing ones?

Take a look at our latest publication to find out how to do so in three steps.



Guidance Document Presenting a Framework for Discipline-specific Research Data Management

Research organisations and funders increasingly ask researchers to create Data Management Plans for their work and proposals. A lack of standardisation means that these can be time-consuming to create and difficult to compare and evaluate. Science Europe presents a framework for the creation of domain-specific protocols that can be used as standardised templates, reducing the administrative burden on both researchers, research organisations, and funders.

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