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Three stacked books in focus in the foreground, blurred bookshelf and laptop on a desk in the background © temmuzcan

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10 Key Messages for the 10th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10)

This position paper discusses the successes and challenges of Horizon Europe and proposes ways forward to increase investment in R&I, while preserving academic freedom, open science, international collaboration, and R&I integration as foundational principles for the upcoming Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10).


Multi-annual Action Plan 2021-2026

This Multi-annual Action Plan proposes a series of framework actions to guide the implementation of the Science Europe Strategy Plan 2021–2026 in line with the association's updated vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities. The Action Plan was updated in June 2024.


Research Matters Open Letter: A call to strengthen research and innovation in Europe

Science Europe has joined other research and higher education organisations in a call to increase and strengthen investment for research and innovation at European and national level and protect R&I budgets, as part of the Research Matters campaign. 


Vote for Science: 5 Pledges for Candidates of the European Parliament Elections 2024

In the run up to the European Parliament Elections on 6-9 June 2024, Science Europe has launched our 'Vote for Science' Campaign advocating for political support for science research in the EU legislative agenda of the next 5 years. In the interests of securing this support, Science Europe encourages candidates for the European Parliament to consider and commit to 5 pledges to safeguard the future of European research and innovation.


Vote for Science: Factsheet on Science Research in Europe

In the run up to the European Parliament Elections on 6-9 June 2024, Science Europe has launched our 'Vote for Science' Campaign advocating for political support for science research in the EU legislative agenda of the next 5 years. As part of our campaign, we've created a factsheet offering a look at the state of science research in Europe, to help voters in understanding how we are doing in supporting science across the areas of our 5 Pledges for Candidates.


Science Europe's Initial Position: European Commission's Public Consultation on the White Paper on R&D on Dual-Use Technologies.

This initial position by Science Europe on ‘Dual-Use’ Research, was submitted on 30 April as a response to the European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on ‘Options for enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential’, following a preliminary discussion with our Governing Board and prior to a broader discussion with our Member Organisations in the context of our upcoming General Assembly Meeting.


Report of the 2023 High Level Workshop on the ERA

This report presents the discussions and outcomes of the main and satellite events held as part of the 2023 High Level Workshop on the ERA. This edition of the event dealt with international scientific collaboration between Europe, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, based on principles of reciprocity and equity.


Research at the Heart of Europe’s Ambition – 2022 Annual Report

In 2022, Science Europe made significant contributions in various areas, including research culture, research assessment, open science, EU framework programmes, the green and digital transition, and science communication.




Science Europe Response to the Public Consultation on Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

On 22 February, Science Europe answered the European Commission’s consultation on the past, current, and future European R&I Framework Programmes. The response, developed in collaboration with the SE Working group on Horizon Europe reflects SE Member Organisations’ opinions and concerns regarding Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.  


Report of the 2022 High Level Workshop on ERA: Research Ethics and Integrity in the Context of Public Engagement

The 2022 High Level Workshop on the ERA dealt with the topic of research ethics and integrity when engaging with various public audiences.


Science Europe Recommendations to Reduce Research and Innovation Disparities and Foster Brain Circulation

Substantial discrepancies exist between European R&I capacities, and these are at risk of increasing. Leveraging the potential of Europe's existing talent, developing new capacities, and optimising and spreading R&I benefits are more important than ever. This Science Europe report makes a number of recommendations to support this.


Science Europe 2021 Annual Report

For Science Europe, 2021 was a very important year: the association celebrated its 10th year of existence. Founded in 2011, it has grown into a respected and influential voice in the European research policy debate. Moreover, we published a new Strategy Plan for 2021–2026, which maps our collective objectives and sets a specific yet flexible action framework over the next five years.


Reaction to the Council Conclusions on Research Assessment and the Implementation of Open Science Policies

The Council Conclusions are an important step in recognising the relevance of Open Science and reforming research assessment, which are two essential elements of the cultural shift that are necessary to put research quality and openness are the cornerstones of positive research cultures.


Report of the 2021 High Level Workshop on ERA: Research Culture in the ERA

The 2021 High Level Workshop on the European Research Area dealt with the topic of research culture and how to keep the research sector attractive for current and future generations of researchers.


An ERA Governance Fit for Purpose

Science Europe Position on the Involvement of Stakeholders in the ERA Governance


Association of the UK to Horizon Europe must go forward

The European Union’s research and innovation community urges the European Commission and UK Government to work towards a successful UK association to Horizon Europe as soon as possible.


Open letter on ERA governance

With this letter, the undersigned representatives of research and innovation (R&I) organisations wish to reiterate the added value of including European R&I stakeholders in the ERA governance system, especially in both its co-creation and implementation.


An Inclusive ERA for Excellent Research

Science Europe’s Reaction to the Commission Proposal for a Council Recommendation on a Pact for Research and Innovation.


Science Europe Strategy Plan 2021-2026

The Science Europe Strategy Plan comes at a crucial time for European Research an Innovation (R&I) and includes an updated vision, mission, values, and set of strategic priorities for the association. It supports its Member Organisation in their mission to create world-class scientific knowledge, delivering more benefit for our societies.


2020 Annual Report

The year 2020 saw a global pandemic attest to the value of science. In the race for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, Science Europe’s Member Organisations were at the forefront of the global response and our association became more relevant and important than ever.


Response to the EC Consultation on the ERA Pact for Research and Innovation

The European Commission approach to the ‘ERA Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe’ should be as inclusive as possible. Its development and implementation need to include research communities, national governments, research organisations, and R&I stakeholders.


Report of the 2020 High Level Workshop on ERA: The ERA Contribution to the post-COVID-19 Recovery and Transition to a Resilient Society

The 2020 edition of the Science Europe High Level Workshop on ERA was co-hosted with the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education. It explored how research and innovation can contribute to crisis recovery and to societal resilience in the context of an evolving research culture.


Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Horizon Europe First Strategic Plan 2021-2024

In its response to the European Commission, Science Europe outlines numerous topics that should be further addressed in order to create the best possible start for Horizon Europe. Such developments include striking the right balance between research and innovation, embedding the whole spectrum of equality aspects, better integration of Social Sciences and Humanities, and the creation of synergies between the various parts of the programme.


Reaction to the European Council's Proposal for the European Budget

The Research and Innovation (R&I) sector has been sacrificed in these budget negotiations, when it should have been the spearhead of an ambitious, future-oriented, knowledge-based plan for Europe. Science Europe now calls the European Parliament and the European Commission, as the protectors of European R&I, to continue taking a strong stand in favour of a larger budget for Horizon Europe

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