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Statement of Support for Ukraine
Science Europe and its Member Organisations condemn the Russian aggression and occupation of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms.
We call on Russia to cease the hostilities and respect international law and human rights, and on European countries to welcome all people displaced by the conflict and immediately ensure their safety and well-being.
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched an invasion into the sovereign territory of Ukraine. As of 1 March, this invasion is ongoing, despite strong international outcry and major sanctions being levied against Russia. It is resulting in a large number of casualties and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
Science Europe and its members stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as well as with the Russian citizens protesting against the invasion. The European and international community must work together to take all the appropriate actions to put an end to the conflict and guarantee the safety of Ukrainians in- and outside of Ukraine.
Ukraine is a valued member of the research community and a strong partner of European research organisations. Science Europe members have already taken actions to support Ukrainian researchers, including fast-tracking scientific exchange programmes, the extension of ongoing projects with Ukrainian researchers, and the hosting of and providing assistance to refugees. Some are also putting a halt to new collaborations with Russian research organisations.
We encourage all Science Europe members and the international research community to:
- support Ukrainian researchers, including using fast-track procedures for mobility schemes, available funding instruments, or administrative support, and maintain and/or extend projects and calls involving Ukrainian scholars.
- reconsider their official relations with Russian research institutions.
- support the numerous Russian scientists that have the courage to openly condemn this aggression.
- increase commitments to initiatives and organisations that aim to support endangered scholars, such as Scholars at Risk.
- work to inform citizens and governments on the situation in Ukraine, the development of the conflict, and to combat disinformation efforts.
- where feasible, use existing infrastructures and facilities to host and provide assistance and material support to Ukrainians fleeing the war.
Science Europe is in contact with the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, located in Kiev, and has relayed their plea for support to the international research community.
This unprovoked military aggression against a sovereign state in the centre of Europe reminds us of the darkest hours of another century. It is doomed to fail – hopefully sooner than later – and the day will come when both the Ukrainian and Russian people will be free. At that moment, it will require upright people on all sides to rebuild trust and goodwill. Scientists, having nurtured a long tradition of borderless co-operation in the interest of the common good, will be key.